
taking me back...

the rain falls on the righteous and the wicked
and mine is not to reason why this is
in this I rest in this I find my refuge
that my thoughts and ways are not His
i spend my life on looking up the answers
it’s rare that I can’t find a reason why
but reasons fail to children without mothers
His plan is more than I can know

have you ever held in doubt
what this life is all about
have you questioned all these things
that seem important to us
do you really wanna know
or are you a little scared
you’re afraid that God is not
exactly what you’d have Him be
and what should I hold to and what should I do
how do I know if anything’s true
i’m somewhere in between Canaan and Egypt
a place called the wilderness

i’m not one who always trusts their feelings
i don’t believe in what you’d call blind faith
but faith that You can do all that You promised
and You said it all works for good
it’s safe to say I don’t see the big picture
i can’t see the forest for the trees
and if five hundred lives
were mine to get to know You
all could be spent on just this

God do you really understand what it’s like to be a man
have You ever felt the weight of
loving all the things you hate
have You struggled have you worried
how can You sympathize

i have spoken much too soon put my hand over my mouth
i can’t contend with You
Your ways are so much higher
And we pass through the fire
that Christ endured before us
when You were in the wilderness

o.c. supertones


how miserable I am
i feel like a fruit picker
who arrived here after the harvest
there's nothing here at all
there's nothing at all here
that could placate my hunger

the godly people are all gone
there's not one honest soul
left alive here on the planet
we're all murders and thieves
setting traps here for even our brothers

and both of our hands are
equally skilled at doing evil
equally skilled at bribing the judges
equally skilled at perverting justice
both of our hands, both of our hands

the day of justice comes
and is even now quickly arriving
don't trust anyone at all
not your best friend or even your wife
for the son hates the father
the daughter despises even her mother
look your enemies are right
right in the room of your very household

and both of their hands
equally skilled at doing evil
equally skilled at bribing the judges
equally skilled at perverting justice
both of their hands, both of their hands

no don't gloat over me
for though i fall, though i fall
i will rise again
though i sit here in darkness
the Lord the Lord alone He will be my light
i will be patient as the Lord
punishes me for the wrongs i've done against Him
after that He'll take my case
bringing me into light and justice
for all i have suffered

and both of His hands
are equally skilled at ruining evil
equally skilled at judging the judges
equally skilled administering justice
both of His hands, both of His hands
are equally skilled at showing new mercy
equally skilled at loving the loveless
equally skilled administering justice
both of His hands, both of His hands

equally skilled
jon foreman