God's Gonna Cut You Down
This song has been on repeat on my iPod for days. don't know why. but I do know that Johnny Cash was a giant of an artist that I don't fully appreciate yet.
A Consistent Ethic of Human Life, or Jesus vs. Jack Bauer

Click here to read a great article by Skye Jethani about Christians, torture, and a holistic ethic of the sanctity of life.
Jesus Is Hard To Enjoy

Found this on a good friend's blog this morning...and I was really challenged by this. So I thought I would share. Hope it challenges you too.
Jesus Is Hard To Enjoy
by Pete Hammond
I seek comfort – He invites me to join in his suffering.
I like acceptance and approval – He calls me to be counter-cultural.
I assume my right to safety – He calls me to personal risk.
I desire financial security – He encourages generosity.
I cherish privacy – He invites me into community.
I yearn for personal significance – he made himself “of no reputation.”
I hide for fear of being judged and rejected – He knows me fully and loves me.
I really like my pillow – He had no place to lay his head.
I want to prolong a healthy life – He calls me to die daily.
I hide in macho male bravado – He weeps for others.
I love good regular meals – He feeds others.
I ponder doctrine – He practices love.
I crave success – He wants me to oppose evil at all costs.
I seek out important people – He befriends the despised and rejected.
Jesus is hard to enjoy,
But what I find deep within me is much worse.
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